I have partially completed my spring-time reading goals. I wanted to plow through all the gospels over the recent Easter long weekend.... that didn't happen, I only managed to tackle the book of Matthew. It was only because I got caught up in the Promise Keepers at the same time and needed to read their Man of Word book. Man of Word is totally awesome... ontop of promoting the return of strong Christian male leadership in family and society they also included the New Testament with images of modern day atheletes mixed in. It's about time! Everyone knows the New Testament is boring... and I needed that image of Emmitt Smith kicking some football ass to get me through. Whatever the case, it's Emmitt Smith that will lead me to get the day-old instant soup off ontop the NIV and continue on to Luke.
...and when I'm done, I will want to pay big bucks to group hug with strong, powerful, masculine Christian men at some Promise Keepers rally in a stadium in Denver or where ever. Oh how glorious it is to be covered in the spirit of the Lord!
*********The Godless State is attacking strong Christian men*******************
My main man Pastor Steven Anderson got his ass KICKED by US border patrol. And why did he get his ass kicked? Sinful vipers that spit lies from their forked tongues may suggest it was because he wasn't cooperative with American authorities and provoked them with his jerkiness and false sense of entitlement... but those are lies. They attacked him because he preaches the truth and the new Godless American Adminstration has identified him as an enemy.
Open your eyes! They're coming to get you! Even here in Canada, when the stars come together and one of the heathen parties take over.... you'll get your ass kicked too! Think about your next vote, don't vote to get your ass kicked!
FYI - Steven's good Christian wife has a blog. She blogs about how much it rocks to be a Baptist, have a backyard pool where relaxin and baptisms can take place... and how much it rocks to homeschool and raise the kids while being a subject to her husband.
Steven Anderson scares me. Actually all the baptist leaders I've met have scared me. If what they preach is what being a baptist is all about, I would rather clean the cat litter everyday for the rest of my life, than have to listen to a moment of their sermons
1 comment:
Steven Anderson scares me. Actually all the baptist leaders I've met have scared me. If what they preach is what being a baptist is all about, I would rather clean the cat litter everyday for the rest of my life, than have to listen to a moment of their sermons
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