I know there should be things to talk about, like my main man Ted Haggard - previous leader of evangelicals 30 million strong. He was recently going on about how the religious right is too harsh on gays and such... whatever, he's probably all bummed out because he's been shunned due to his desires of meth and male prostitutes. Where was the love before his mighty fall?
Or I could talk about Max Lucado and how he dissed Haggard's wife... saying it was her fault that her husband turned to men. Ya, she wasn't doing her 'job'.

I could talk about this idea I hear about Obama wanting to shut down the Alberta tar sands because of the negative environmental impact on the environment. Sucks to be you Nigeria, our environment is better than yours!!
Instead, I'll post a pic of Merle Haggard (no relation to Ted, just the same last name) getting super-drunk and another of a big ol' sheet metal church (located at the very top of this blog, it's got a big Christ blocking the view).
so, if my girlfriend takes a vacation or something, i could go gay?? is that what you're saying??
Merle Haggard! Mule Skinner Blues! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qYWbxyhp6U. I discovered as a teenager that, if people are bumming rides off you for free, all you have to do is sing that song in your car and suddenly you have the place to yourself again - either that or they pay you gas money to stop. Maybe that makes it hush money. Anyways, nice thoughtful post.
BTW, how do you space the pics thruout the post instead of having them all clumped up at the beginning? I'm confused!
Pay-Per-Hack: Yes, that is exactly what could happen. Perhaps I'll attempt to demonstrate that in my next post.
Melindabout: Only with the help of the Lord can I get images spaced out all nice like that.
I totally understand the fear of staying in hotels...I mean, c'mon, doesn't cheating and hotel rooms go hand in hand? How do we know that isn't the reason God invented Hotels? A place we can go to feel safe to dabble in out deepest, darkest fantasies...
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