The unthinkable happened this week. I should correct myself, the thinkable did happen this week.... it's just sad to be thrust out of denial about the state of affairs in this sinfully consumed (and liberal) world. Heart Mother, yours truly, was asked to keep from proudly proclaiming his extreme right-wing big-box store Christian faith in a public forum. I have been personally affected by religious persecution! I was censored. I can not provide details, other than it's the worst feeling ever. It appears I have to worship my God in a closet. Please pray for me, and pray for those limousine liberals.
On another note: While dredging, on an industrial scale ('cause that's how God wants it), for like minded Big-Box store, right-wing, fried-chicken-eatin', dually drivin' hardcore Christians I found a letter to the local editor from a believer in Winkler Manitoba. I'll post the letter in this blog, because I bet the champagne drinkin liberal editor will pull it from the site. Here goes:
I know this will not be a popular subject with the ‘heathens’ in Winkler and I expect it will even be more upsetting for those in Winkler and surrounding areas who call themselves “Christians”.
First of all I want to address the ‘heathens’. I am very disturbed that you are bringing such ungodly movies into Winkler, such as the ads in the Winkler Times in the last issue, Friday Feb 27.
On page 3, your ad reads:
“Taken” (14A) (Not recommended for children, frightening scenes, violence);
“He’s Just Not That Into You” (PG) (Language may offend, mature theme, not recommended for young children);
“Slumdog Millionaire” (14A) (Disturbing content, not recommended for children)
“Frost/Nixon” (PG) (Coarse language, mature theme)
This is all very sickening!! Winkler is a Christian community, we don’t need this kind of disgusting sinful advertising. We don’t need these kinds of filthy movies in Winkler.
I can fully understand why the ‘heathens’ do bad things or ungodly things because Jesus said to the ‘heathens’, “You are of your father the devil.” So it is easy to understand why the heathens would “obey” their father, the devil, because most “children” usually ‘obey’ their fathers. However, what I find far more disturbing is that the people in Winkler who call themselves “Christians” are flocking to these same wicked movies, the same as the ‘heathens’.
The preachers of Winkler are not “obeying” God, their “Heavenly Father” by refusing to warn their flocks, that going to movies is a horrible sin against our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who washed us clean with His shed blood and made us “white as snow.” Yes, this is very sad indeed.
Peter Neufeld

On another note: While dredging, on an industrial scale ('cause that's how God wants it), for like minded Big-Box store, right-wing, fried-chicken-eatin', dually drivin' hardcore Christians I found a letter to the local editor from a believer in Winkler Manitoba. I'll post the letter in this blog, because I bet the champagne drinkin liberal editor will pull it from the site. Here goes:
I know this will not be a popular subject with the ‘heathens’ in Winkler and I expect it will even be more upsetting for those in Winkler and surrounding areas who call themselves “Christians”.
First of all I want to address the ‘heathens’. I am very disturbed that you are bringing such ungodly movies into Winkler, such as the ads in the Winkler Times in the last issue, Friday Feb 27.
On page 3, your ad reads:
“Taken” (14A) (Not recommended for children, frightening scenes, violence);
“He’s Just Not That Into You” (PG) (Language may offend, mature theme, not recommended for young children);
“Slumdog Millionaire” (14A) (Disturbing content, not recommended for children)
“Frost/Nixon” (PG) (Coarse language, mature theme)

This is all very sickening!! Winkler is a Christian community, we don’t need this kind of disgusting sinful advertising. We don’t need these kinds of filthy movies in Winkler.
I can fully understand why the ‘heathens’ do bad things or ungodly things because Jesus said to the ‘heathens’, “You are of your father the devil.” So it is easy to understand why the heathens would “obey” their father, the devil, because most “children” usually ‘obey’ their fathers. However, what I find far more disturbing is that the people in Winkler who call themselves “Christians” are flocking to these same wicked movies, the same as the ‘heathens’.
The preachers of Winkler are not “obeying” God, their “Heavenly Father” by refusing to warn their flocks, that going to movies is a horrible sin against our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who washed us clean with His shed blood and made us “white as snow.” Yes, this is very sad indeed.
Peter Neufeld

Mr. Neufeld should be a role model for us all! His Christianity is clear, bold and decisive. Perhaps one day, in the strength of the Lord, I will grow as strong as Peter and resist my oppressers. As a side - who cares that Frost/Nixon depicts a historic event - History should be forgotten so that we never repeat it!
P.S. The images in this post are the types of images liberals (Heathens) have in their mind at all times.