Jesus give me strength, this blogging business is exhausting. Already at blog #4.
So the other week I was talking about Richard Dawkins to a friend that doesn't have Christ in his heart. I think he was pro-Dawkins, I'm not. My concern with Dawkins is he comes off as a fundamentalist, not different than the leaders and (organized) religions he speaks against... and just as much intolerant. Plus, I bet he's just going to piss off the 'other side', empower them and make them grow. Remember Dune? The worms are the spice, the spice are the worms? Well, Dawkins is the Dobson, Dobson IS THE DAWKINS!

And what's with that 'come hither' pose from Dawkins? This must be the first time in history the Christian guy looks cooler than the Godless guy.
So in my most elaborate procrastination scheme yet, I'm building my own e-church and I've been listening to a lot of Dio to help along with the process. Ya Dio's a goof, but have you ever flipped any of his albums upside down? Upside down Dio totally spells Devil and that's the CraZIest thing I've ever seen. Dawkins needs to learn from Dio.

Judging by the comments on my blog, at least two people are reading this thing. Of you two, ever watch TMZ? The trashiest of trashy entertainment news shows? What are your thoughts on a format similar to TMZ, but follows and hounds church leaders? The have all the dirt in the world to dig up, it'll be sensational! And what if it was Dio hounding the pastors?
In this time of recession the desperate will be turning to those that give them (false) hope, only TMZ and Dio can help!
I leave you with the saving power of Hinn!